Sunday, February 8, 2015

Eight More Weeks!

Hi All,
     Sadie's mom here!  I have been a terrible scribe for Sadie's blog.  She is still absolutely loving her mission!  She will be returning home on April 8th.  
Here is one of her most recent emails…

Dearest Mom and Dad,

Happy New Year! Holy cow I am so excited to think about, I come home THIS YEAR! What a huge blessing. I am loving working in the Glen Loch and Sam Houston ward, and we are just working hard here with the Lord. Nothing really happened big until the end of the week. New Year's Eve was fun btw, we might have stayed up to watch the fireworks... we couldn't help it! It was so loud outside too haha! 

So we are teaching this guy named Q, I can't remember if I told you about him, but he has been coming to the ward for a year, but he has refused to take the lessons until now! And he loves it! We've been meeting with him everyday and he is reading the Book of Mormon like a champ. He's already in 1 Nephi 8, and we asked him to pray about a date to be baptized. On Sunday, we fasted we would know how to help him, and that he would receive answers to his prayers. As everyone was going to bear their testimonies, I felt like I should ask him if he wanted to go up and bear his. He thought I was joking, and I half was, but then I looked at him seriously and said "I'll go if you go!" And he looked at me, then at the pulpit, then back at me, and nodded his head. I was so shocked! We walked up together and he bore a beautiful testimony about how his life has changed so much since he started coming to church, and he's ready to be baptized. It was so amazing! I'm so proud of him and I know that he is going to help so many other people through his testimony. 

I also received AWESOME news from S, the girl who got baptized in College Station. Do you remember me talking about G? I loved her so much, but she stopped taking lessons. AND S emailed me today saying that she is investigating again!! How cool is that?? And then in Bridgeland, Sister Funk told me that the R family (the ones who lost their daughter in a drunk driving accident)  are all getting baptized! I just feel so blessed that I was able to be a part of these people's lives. I love them so much and I feel so happy knowing they are coming closer to their Savior. 

I am just so happy. I'm so glad to be a missionary and to share this Gospel with others. I can see how it heals them and makes them whole. It truly has changed me and others around me, and I'm just so grateful. I love you all and keep on keeping!!! 

Friday, September 26, 2014

new city, new address

Yesterday, September 25th, Sadie celebrated her one year mark.  She was also transferred recently and I have updated her address on the sidebar.

One of Sadie's most recent letters…
Hey my beautiful family,

It's a great day to be alive! 11 months and I really am still alive! Holy cow I never thought this day would come. Good times had, all around :) It's so weird to think that next month, it will have been a year since that great and marvelous day I entered the MTC. I can see how much I've grown up and how much I love and appreciate the gospel since that day. It took all the courage I had to leave, and it will take even more to come home. The people I have met out here have truly changed me and my life. From Olde Oaks to College Station, I can see how the Lord has placed certain people in my path that I needed, and that needed me.
I know the Lord answers prayers and that He has kept His watchful eye on me throughout every day.
I've fallen and I've gotten back up again, I've been ridiculed and I have triumphed over even the smallest of things.
I recognize that my love should not be conditional. 
I understand that only the Savior can save.
I feel for others more deeply than I ever have before. I have seen the worst of situations become the greatest of teaching moments. 
I know who I am and who I need to become. 
I've been hurt and I've been healed. I know, above all, that my Savior lives and loves me and desires me to return to Him, and that He wants me to bring as many people as will listen.

I am a new Sadie Maughan, and I know that I will never return to what I used to be. And that, my family, is a great blessing. 

This week has been great, we've been prepping for Gig 'Em Week, which starts today!! There are so many kids on campus! That's pretty much all that has been happening.... oh yeah and I turn 20 on Monday. So strange! But it's all good, it's not much of a difference since it's only a year :) 

I love you all and hope you have a great week! 

<3 Sister Maughan

Friday, August 8, 2014

August in Houston

Hi Friends and Family…. so sorry I haven't been keeping Sadie's blog up to date.  She is now more than halfway done with her mission.  Her address on the side bar is still current (college station). Here are some excerpts from her latest letter (I've edited some names to just first initials again).  In her own words...

Dearest family,

Holy cow I am so shocked! A puppy yeah? She is adorable and I'm so excited! I was just telling Sister McLean, that actually would be cool if we got a dog because I could go running in the morning with it when I get home! And what do you know :) I'm really just so shocked but excited too! And can I train with y'all for the next spring triathlon when I come back? Let's just make this a family affair! 

OK so it's been one of the greatest weeks yet since I've been up in College Station. Sincerely. So I have some news, I was made the new Sister Training Leader! It's like a zone leader but in sister form, and I get to go to Missionary Leadership Council on Tuesday with the Zone Leaders, and guess what else... Since Elder Andersen is still a ZL I will see him down in Houston!! I'm so happy about that! So that was great, and then it was been an AMAZING week of finding new investigators. We did our "Because of Him" board again, we redid the whole thing and it looks really nice, and the first guy we met, named J, asked to meet with us. So we met with him and he LOVED the Restoration, and we asked him to be baptized, and he said YES! No ifs, ands, or buts! It was so amazing! He seems like a really sweet guy and we are excited to teach him the rest of the lessons. Then we met another guy named R, and he also accepted the invitation to be baptized! Seriously we have been so blessed.

 The craziest referral we got this week- are you ready? You will die. OK so this lady calls us from the Bryan 1st ward, at 9:30 at night, and starts yelling at us saying "the Traditions YSA ward better watch themselves because I sent someone to talk with y'all this morning to talk about church and no one answered her!" So backstory, this girl walked in on our ward council and asked when church started, and we told her and talked with her for a bit, and she said she would be back. We never saw her again though! So back to this lady, she was being super rude and had no idea what the situation was, but anyways this girl turns out to be an amazing referral, the lady taught her the Restoration and the PoS and everything, and the girl wants to go on a mission, meet with the sisters, etc etc she's so golden! We are going to meet with her tonight hopefully, so that was really exciting :) We've gotten a total of 6 new investigators this week, which is really amazing. 

I found out this probably will be my last transfer here in CSTAT! So sad :( But I feel like the Lord might need me somewhere else, we will see! I might have two more areas before I go home. President Mortensen sounds like he's going to move people now every 3 transfers, so like 41/2 months. Not sure how I feel about it but I will do whatever he wants! He is a very inspired man and I'm stoked to have him as our new mission president. 

So some funny stories, I cleaned the whole apartment last night because I finally cracked and had to just deep clean the heck out of it. SO DISGUSTING! It should be illegal to see how gross it is! But after I was done it was super sparkly and I feel so much better about it now :) And today we went to the Garlick's with Makell (Bro Garlick's daughter- love her) and we did our laundry and made crepes and got some new Christian music, and we danced around and had just a good ol' time. It's the simple things in life like getting your laundry done and sharing some laughs with other people that really make life worth living! I love what President Mortensen has been saying- "Look out the windshield when you're driving, not the rearview mirror. You can't look through the rearview mirror and expect to drive staright." So true! I'm just looking forward to all the good things ahead, whether in the mission field or being back at home. I know I am in the Lord's hands and I want to make Him proud. 

I love, love, love this life I'm living, and this mission I'm serving :) I hope y'all have a good rest of your week and please send more pics of the adorable puppy! If you haven't named her at least ask me for suggestions... :) I still want to be a part of the family even though I'm miles away! 

Love y'all and keep on keepin it real!


Sister Maughan

Eight months to go!!!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

college station. TX

Sadie's latest letter….I've also updated her address (left column).

Dearest Family...
You are never going to guess where I am ... I'm officially in College Station, TX (2 hours away from Houston) at the Texas A&M University, and I am in the Traditions Singles WARD!! YES YOU HEARD THAT CORRECTLY! To say the least, I was very sad to leave Olde Oaks, but I really can't describe how blessed I feel to be here. My comp is Sister Laws, and she is also the new Sister Training Leader (STL) so I will be doing exchanges throughout the week with other sisters in the surrounding areas! AND SISTER LAWS IS A HAIRSTYLIST. I kept saying to Heavenly Father, "Heavenly Father, I don't know what I did to deserve this but thank you, thank you, thank you." I am so so so happy to be here.
Ok so I'll just start with last Tuesday. So we went to transfer meeting, I found out I was with Sister Laws in College Station singles ward and we were off! It took about 2 hours to get up here, but it's SUCH a pretty campus, and the football stadium is MASSIVE. They are extending it so it will be the largest stadium in Texas. It's taller than some of the building round here. Ok so we got here and I found out another awesome thing: WE GET TO GO TO INSTITUTE! Yes, like every Wednesday or any other day we have investigators come. Also they baptize like crazy up here, the students are so interested in the gospel and love to learn more about it. So we got here and immediately went to some lessons at the institute building (yes, we also don't have to travel much because they come meet us at institute- so nice! We have the van one week and we bike the next. I have a bike from a sister that left but I just have to adjust the seat... I have grown an inch though :)) So we went to the lesson with the twins M and E, and they are from the Grace Bible Church, which, if you can guess, teaches allll about how we are saved by grace. Then we had a lesson with J, our other investigator, and he is really shy but super nice. Also the members come with us to almost every lesson. Also the institute teacher Brother Garlick is amazing, he is so nice and he comes and sits in on our lessons sometimes. So then we went to institute that night, then we went home and I unpacked and we went to sleep. Our apartment is kinda sketch but I don't mind at all because this area is to die for. The Assistants mentioned it is the most coveted area in the mission, and that you have to be trusted to come here, so I'm glad they trusted me to come!
So then on Wednesday we went on campus for the first time (I'm on campus emailing at the moment) and Sister Laws said "Ok, stop someone and talk to them." I was like, Wait, hold up! I'm only used to tracting! So after a couple tries it got easier and pretty soon we were passing out cards left and right! We have a place where we stop and just hand out cards, the students are super friendly, some of them laughed at us or said stupid things but we just smiled and waved. We do that almost every day, and then on Thursday this guy named K walked up to us with his friend and started up a conversation about how we were Mormons and that he used to have a really great Mormon friend when he was young, and he wanted to know more! We had a short discussion and then he walked away. We didn't set up an appt with him, but then Sister Laws prayed he would come back, and he did!! So we set up an appt with him and we are really excited to get to talk to him. It's amazing to see how these students are honest seekers of truth. People are literally setting up appts with us and all we do is teach and be obedient as possible. It's really great. Sister Laws is a very dedicated missionary, and we decided we are going to start getting up at 6 to run on the track, because I'm finally setting myself back on the straight and narrow!
Oh yes and then the snakes. So we have about 6 new converts of under a year in our ward, (I mean it when I say we baptize like once a week), and we went over to one girls house for dinner one night, and she has two ball pythons, so cool. So I was holding one and it yawned and that's where I got that awesome pic! I forgot my camera today but I'll email pics next time. That one was from Amy, the convert :) So yes that was really cool. Sunday was great, we had a former investigator come to church and she really likes how the Mormons act, she doesn't like hypocrites and she likes how everyone lives by what they say. Also we are having a wedding this Saturday! J (she's a nonmember) and D (a convert) are getting married at the institute building, and they asked me to play Canon in D! Haha I've never played at a wedding before so pray for me that it goes well! J is taking the discussions, she doesn't have a Christian background, she's from Laos and practiced a religion that worships their ancestors. But she said the first time she prayed with D she felt the Spirit so strongly, and the last lesson we had with her was so great, so I think she might get baptized in two weeks! I love them, they are a funny couple :) It's great to be in a singles ward and not actually be a part of it, because you get to hear what's going on, who's getting married and such, and you just get to observe :) Kind of fun. Lots of people are getting married actually. I found out one of the girls in our ward knows Emmy Wright, and I thought she was going on a mission but I guess she's married now! Small world!!
I love this place so much, the work is going so great and I'm excited to try out all the ideas I've been having but never had an opportunity to try! We can like set up tables and do fun little things to ask people to come to institute, it's just so freeing to try out new things and to talk to people our age. I'm learning a lot from institute as well. Every day I'm learning to rely on the Lord and not on my own strengths. The Lord is so good to me, and even if I only stay here a transfer, I will gladly go wherever he sends me! (But I do hope I get to stay a little longer than that) :)
I hope all is well at home. I miss y'all so much but time is flying by! In 3 months I'll be halfway done! My thought for the week is that times get better with every step we take forward in faith. The Lord is always right behind us, pushing us to go on and to move forward because he knows what's ahead. I trust Him with all my heart and I'm really focusing on listening to the Spirit this week, because I know these people struggle with very individual problems and I want to know exactly how to help them. I'm just so happy right now, I wake up every morning and smile because I know that the Lord is happy with us, and He walks with us every day. I know, above all, that He loves us and knows our individual situations. He will never forsake us.
I hope y'all have a great week and know that y'all mean the world to me. You are my rock and my greatest joys, I look forward to the day when we will see each other again, but until then, I've got some work to do :)

Sister Maughan

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

February 10th, 2014

It has been another hard week but the only difference is my attitude has shot through the roof! The beginning of the week was so hard- doors slammed in our faces every time we went tracting, people getting angry at us for no good reason, a lot of crap. BUT. The Lord is SO good to us it blows my mind every time he rescues us from drowning ourselves in our sorrows. The week took a turn for a better on Friday. We had exchanges, and I went with Hermana Woodward to the Spanish area and Hermana Phillips went with Sister Nie to our area. Hermana Woodward is AWESOME, she's from Haiti and she has almost the exact same personality as me. Love her to death. So we woke up, and headed to our zone meeting. I love zone meetings, we always receive great instruction from our missionary leaders, but I have to say the most amazing part was the end. An elder named Elder Lopez stood up after everyone was done talking and asked to bear his testimony, before he leaves to go home this week. He is an amazingly dedicated elder, he's that elder that will drop anything to help anyone. As he got up to bear his testimony, I don't think any of us expected what came out of his mouth:

"I'll be honest, I did not live up to the expectations of my mission. I never saw all the fruits of my labor. But that's not the point, it was my sacrifice of all time, talent, and work to the Lord. Elders and sisters, I did not live up to the expectations that my President, parents, or I myself set. That's not the point." 

He then read a scripture talking about Oliver Granger, a man in D&C who was supposed to recover lost funds for the church, but he did not succeed. It reads: 

(D&C 117:12) "And again, I say unto you, I remember my servant Oliver Granger (or you could say Elder or Sister ___); behold verily I say unto him that his name shall be had in sacred remembrance from generation to generation, forever and ever, saith the Lord." What did he do to be remembered forever? "Therefore let him contend earnestly for the redemption of the First Presidency of my Church ( you could replace redemption with "missionary work") saith the Lord; and when he falls he shall rise again, for his sacrifice shall be more sacred unto me than hisincrease saith the Lord." 

"Elders and Sisters, it was my chastening and afflictions and "rising up" that meant more than ALL I have done. When I fell, I rose again! May you be more grateful when hard times come. Because it is the Lord bringing you to Him. You may not be able to see it in the moment, but I promise that blessings will come. I have become apart of Christ, as much as he has become a part of me. I know that He is my Savior, and it is my sacrifice of all that I am made is so. I know that this is God's work and it will continue to fill the whole Earth. Hope on, Journey on! And remember that the Lord will do all things for your good. I love you all, and I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen." 

CAN YOU SAY DIVINE INSPIRATION? As Hermana Woodward and I left, we described how his testimony was EXACTLY what we needed to hear. He is a great elder and I know he will continue to inspire others as he goes home. After that spiritual revival, we were ready to take on the world, so we ate a quick lunch and got to work. We had a little success with finding a new potential investigator ( I talked in Spanish to her, claro que si!) and at the end of the night we visited a less active lady, and she asked me to give the opening prayer in Spanish, which was kind of scary but I made it through! I'm gonna start reading el Libro de Mormon again, so I can improve mi espanol mas. 

Let's see, so now our motto is, we fall and we rise again! So once I came back into our area, Sister Nielsen and I worked really hard to pass out invitations to our "open house", which was on Sunday. We passed out about 30 invitations individually to people we didn't know, contacted a lot of people about helping, and by the time Sunday came we were really excited about it. L came to church and to the open house!!  She really wants to learn more about the Gospel and she wants to be baptized. Anyways, that night, the open house was AWESOME, we had a pretty good turnout, we set up tables and displays about Christ and about the church, a lot of people had great questions and the members the Castillos, and Brother Feriante came to help and our displays looked amazing ( They took them down so we didn't get a picture :() But then we went into the chapel for a short devotional, Veronica Villegas spoke and she did so wonderful, I love her and her strong testimony of the Gospel! Elder Blackham played a beautiful piano solo of Come Thou Fount, which was so beautiful, I just cried the whole time. It was so precious because one of the member's little boys, Reese Rucker (he's like 5), who was sitting next to me, saw me crying and smiled at me and wiped a tear off my face. I was just laughing and crying because it was so precious. Another convert spoke and there were 3 other musical numbers, and it ended right at 7:30 and it was just perfect! L turned to us after and said "I feel so loved right now. I feel like I'm coming home." I know she will be baptized soon.

Another miracle that happened was R and N finally answered the door again and they want to meet with us tonight! We are so excited to see them again and we hope that they will progress soon. A and S are doing well and are reading the BOM and are praying, which is so awesome, we are having the lesson on the Word of Wisdom soon, so that will be good because they are both trying to quit smoking. Their cute little girl, S, had to go to the ER yesterday though, we are still waiting to hear from them so please keep them in your prayers.

It's raining today but we aren't getting down about that! We made a fruit pizza with the elders last Monday (well, we MADE the elders a fruit pizza, they just ate it haha) but we are trying for banana bread today! We are going to become the ultimate homemakers. Look out world :) I feel so good today and I feel like it's such a blessing from the Lord that He's given me this renewed strength and faith. Faith truly is a gift from God that we have to nurture. Never let your faith waver! And if it does, just keep moving forward, there is always light waiting at the end of the tunnel. 

Thank you for all your continued support and love and hope you give me. I have been so blessed, I thank Heavenly Father daily for the opportunity I've had to have such an amazing family, you are my rock, you are my whole life, and I will never forget the things I have learned with you growing up. I know this church is true, and I know that even when times get tough, the Lord always delivers us at the end. WE ARE NEVER ALONE! Let the blackness combine against us, but we know where we stand. The Savior stands at the head , and I know that with Him, NOTHING is impossible. I pledge my name to His and I refuse to go anywhere else. We will always fall, but, we will always rise again.


Sister Sadie Lauren Maughan

Monday, January 27, 2014

January 2014

I asked Sadie to send a letter specifically for her blog today.  Many thanks to all of you who have loved and supported her on this journey! To protect peoples privacy I've changed names to first initials in parts of her letter.

Hey y'all! 

Yes that's right, can you believe it's been four months? Holy cow I am still in shock just thinking about it. Time really flies when you're out here! I love, love, love it all. There have been really bad days and really good days, but I enjoy and take in every single one. I love to see how the Lord works and I'm really starting to understand how much every one of us mean to Him- he cares about every single person, and He wants them all to return! I feel so privileged to have the greatest purpose in the world- to help the Lord accomplish His work by bringing His children back to Him. 

Let's see... Our progressing investigators right now are A and S. They live down the street from Bishop, and Sister Lynes (Bishop's wife) and A are good friends. We started teaching them a couple weeks ago and so far things have been going really well. S is a little skeptical about the church, but two nights ago we had a really amazing lesson about prayer, the Spirit was really strong as Sister Lynes, Sister Nielsen and I testified that the Lord is real, and that He answers our prayers when we have the faith.  He said out of all the people in his family, his mom is the only one who prayed and she still prays constantly. She was about to lose her house to her own daughter, and S kept asking "Why doesn't God answer her prayers? Why?" Sister Nielsen has been through a lot like S and she testified to him that yes, the Lord does answer prayers, but in his own way and own time. As we ended the lessons, we offered a prayer and asked Heavenly Father to help his mom in the way that He saw best. We left feeling really good and really excited, because they were both talking about quitting smoking and drinking, and we haven't even taught the Word of Wisdom yet! 

Yesterday we got a text from A that said, " Sisters! Just wanted to thank you guys so much for praying with us last night. We were in shock today when they signed the house over to his mom!! And God did answer our prayers, thank you so much!" WOW! We were so excited for them and so happy that Heavenly Father answered their prayers right then and there. His timing is perfect. His love is priceless! I'm so grateful that they were able to have that experience, and we really hope and pray that they will get an answer to their prayers about the church. I have a feeling... that they will get baptized soon :) 

I'll be honest, it's been difficult for me lately because I've been hitting what is infamous for being know as "The Wall". I can't really explain it if you've never felt it, but it feels like you are being monotonous and teaching is hard and it just really sucks. BUT. Sister Nielsen and I have really been studying the Atonement and she has been very in tune with the Spirit. I woke up with a stomachache and just felt like crap. But I got up, moved around, put the laundry in and tried to shake it off. (It's not easy) We had personal study and I really just felt like crying. As we started comp study, Sister Nielsen said "Sister Maughan, I read a talk that I think applies to you. I just want to let you know it's ok to not be perfect, Heavenly Father loves you and wants you to do your best!" That really meant a lot to me that she said that, and I'm so grateful that she has been listening to the promptings of the Spirit, whether for me or for our investigators. We take good care of each other and sometimes the mom just has to let her daughter take charge! It's actually been good for her since I've been down and out, because she is starting to take charge in lessons and in talking to people. SO maybe it's a blessing that I feel like this?! Hmm never thought of it that way but it kind of makes sense. 

I love learning about the Gospel so much, when i come home I guarantee I will know the Bible like the back of my hand (maybe)/. It's so good, and with the Book of Mormon, it makes so much sense! I love to read and to find out new things, even if it's just little. 

I just want to thank all y'all for your support, your love, your letters, and your prayers. I feel them behind me when I feel weak. I remember who I represent and I try to do my best. Probably one of the hardest things for me to accept out here is we can't do everything! We cannot, and will never be perfect in this life. And that is why I am eternally, infinitely grateful for the sacrifice of the Savior. He is the only reason I get by some days. Without Him I am nothing! I rely on Him and I seek His guidance and I do my best to follow it. This area is still really hard to find new investigators, but I know they are out there and as long as we are diligent, He helps us find them. It is the greatest blessing to be out here. It is the most mentally-challenging event I have ever had to go through, but I thank the Lord for making me a strong Texas missionary. I sometimes think about how I am changing and who I am becoming, and I realize how the fire truly does refine us. And when we go through these hard times, we understand the Savior better and begin to understand, ever so slightly, the pain and the agony he went through, because He LOVES US! So much.  I will finish! I made the decision, I will not falter, I will finish, and I will serve the Lord in whatever capacity He requires of me. 

I love you all so much and remember to enjoy life and to always seek out what the Lord wants for you, He is always watching out for you and He always has your back! We are never alone.

Con todos mi amor, 

Sister Maughan 

Abrazos y besos

Sadie and her new companion Sis. Nielsen on p-day…a  service project to move firewood that turned into a mud bog.

Gangsta' pose.

Saturday, January 4, 2014


Excerpts from Sadie's last two letters…

Dec. 23rd
Heyyyy y'all, Sister Maughan here from Houston TEXAS! 

Oh my goodness I cannot believe it's almost Christmas!! Wow that came up so fast! It's been a crazy awesome week, we've seen miracle after miracle and I have to say my heart is so full. 

Ok so we had exchanges this week, which is when we exhange companions for 24 hours. I thought I was going to stay in my area but when Hermana Phillips called (the Sister Training Leader, STL) she's likes "Sister Maughan, you're coming with me!" OOOHHH YEAHHH!! I was so excited, because I knew that meant I would get to speak some espanol :) Ole. The whole time I could understand when we went to lessons, I couldn't say much but I could definitely have a conversation with Hermana Phillips help. (Dad you would have been so proud!) The coolest part of the exchange was when we went to a member's house for dinner, Sister B's. She made an AMAZING dinner, some sort of chicken with rice and homemade tortillas, I was in heaven. Then when it was time to share a message, Hermana Phillips looked at me and said in Spanish "Do you have a scripture you want to share?" and I just said Ok! But I was so excited and I asked for Heavenly Father's help. I read Alma 32:21 in Spanish and then proceeded in my best Spanglish to tell a story that had happened with someone we had taught, how this lady we went to see also spoke Spanish and I read her the same scripture, and she liked it, and found out a week later that her daughter might have cancer in her foot, and she said that scripture gave her strength. Sister B started crying after I finished the story and talked about how her family, especially her mom, were against her in the church and that they had been really awful to her. The spirit was so strong and I knew that Heavenly Father had wanted me to come on the exchange for a reason. Hermana Phillips also gave me a Spanish workbook to take home, so I'm really trying to learn. I understand so much but it's so hard to speak back! So frustrating but I'm working on it :) 

The other amazing thing that happened is we have found 4 new investigators to teach this week!! An absolute miracle and blessing from Heavenly Father! Thank you for your prayers and your faith, Heavenly Father reminds me daily of the strength that I have backing me up. I can literally feel the prayers sometimes. 

Christmas conference was on Friday and was probably one of the most spiritual meetings I have ever been to in my life, and I don't say that lightly. The program was very inspired and it meant so much to me. President Pingree gave a beautiful presentation about the Atonement, and we watched some of the new bible videos they just came out with. I really love learning about the Atonement. It really means so much to me now that I am starting to understand it, even though I'm just scratching the surface of how deep it's meaning really is. President Pingree is so inspired! That was the first part of the program, and then the Christmas portion was last. Sister Pingree put Hermana Pedersen and I down for the last musical number, I was so nervous! The song was O Come O Come Emmanuel by the Piano Guys, I didn't get a whole lot of time to practice but I just let Heavenly Father know I did the best I could to prepare, and if He would help me. Our mission has some VERY talented people, so by the time we walked up I was a little scared. But I laughed inside as we started to play, because the song was watched already by most of the missionaries, I heard some whisper "It's the song!! This is the best song!!" Which put that much more pressure on me! So I just played my heart out and so did Sister Pedersen. It wasn't the perfect performance but I felt the Spirit so strongly. 

Although I miss home, I really cannot express how amazing it is to be out here during this season. As a mission and as missionaries, we are really close and we treat everyone like family. My capacity to love others has expanded so much, I never knew I could feel love I do for so many people. It makes me think about the Savior and how much His heart aches when he sees His children turn away from Him or when they are sad, mad, angry, depressed, etc. I KNOW with all my heart the Savior loves and knows each one of us personally, what a blessing it is that we have this knowledge. Now imagine for a second if you didn't know everything we know about the Gospel. Life would be so sad. Please keep these thoughts in mind throughout the rest of the week. If you feel inspired to share something about the Gospel with a stranger, do it. I love what President Eyring says: "Pretend every person you meet is going through a crisis. Most of the time, you will be right." You never know that by sharing a simple comment, you could change someone's life. My challenge is to JUST DO IT! That is our motto, mine and Sister Tofa's, because sometimes you just need to decide that you will do it. 

( On Christmas day we got to Skype and talk to Sadie on the phone)

Dec. 30th
Christmas was soooo amazing, it was very small of course but I have never been more appreciative of technology in my entire life, it was so fun to see y'all and talk to you face to face! It was very hard to get off the phone with you but I cannot explain the immense peace I felt after I sat there for a second. Heavenly Father confirmed to me what I've known all along- because I serve, my family will be safe. It is one of the promises he makes to his missionaries in the Doctrine and Covenants, and I feel so blessed that He always sends those little heart taps (as Nienie calls them) to me. The Grays (the family we stayed with that night) have two beautiful little girls and they got sealed in the temple last year. We gave the girls necklaces that said "Families Are Forever", and I know, I know with all my heart they are. 

So I'm staying in Olde Oaks! Woot woot! But... Sister Tofa is leaving :( Ahh! I'm hoping I get a seasoned comp just for this transfer, I feel like I still need some time to figure out what I'm doing. 

Let's see what else....Jane M. - said at the end of our lesson about the Restoration- "You know, I think I want to be Mormon. I've been thinking about it for awhile and I've been testing you girls and I really like what I've heard. Yes I think I'll get baptized soon." WOAHH! It was so awesome haha me and Sister Tofa were like "wait what"?? And "yes of course"!! It was really exciting. 

I love y'all SOOOOO much and thank you so much for the pics, I don't get too homesick anymore, they just make me laugh and I'm so happy y'all are having such a good time back home. Honestly we have this next year and then the first couple months of 2015, it's no problem, we can totally do this momma :) Besides there are so many adventures I still have to have and tell you about! I'm so grateful to be out here and to serve and to not think of myself. I love this place. I love these people. And I LOVE to be a missionary :) 


Sister Maughan 

The Villegas family on the day Rick was baptized.

Sadie's bishop's daughter who likes to tell Sadie about a boy in their ward that wants to marry her:)