It has been another hard week but the only difference is my attitude has shot through the roof! The beginning of the week was so hard- doors slammed in our faces every time we went tracting, people getting angry at us for no good reason, a lot of crap. BUT. The Lord is SO good to us it blows my mind every time he rescues us from drowning ourselves in our sorrows. The week took a turn for a better on Friday. We had exchanges, and I went with Hermana Woodward to the Spanish area and Hermana Phillips went with Sister Nie to our area. Hermana Woodward is AWESOME, she's from Haiti and she has almost the exact same personality as me. Love her to death. So we woke up, and headed to our zone meeting. I love zone meetings, we always receive great instruction from our missionary leaders, but I have to say the most amazing part was the end. An elder named Elder Lopez stood up after everyone was done talking and asked to bear his testimony, before he leaves to go home this week. He is an amazingly dedicated elder, he's that elder that will drop anything to help anyone. As he got up to bear his testimony, I don't think any of us expected what came out of his mouth:
"I'll be honest, I did not live up to the expectations of my mission. I never saw all the fruits of my labor. But that's not the point, it was my sacrifice of all time, talent, and work to the Lord. Elders and sisters, I did not live up to the expectations that my President, parents, or I myself set. That's not the point."
He then read a scripture talking about Oliver Granger, a man in D&C who was supposed to recover lost funds for the church, but he did not succeed. It reads:
(D&C 117:12) "And again, I say unto you, I remember my servant Oliver Granger (or you could say Elder or Sister ___); behold verily I say unto him that his name shall be had in sacred remembrance from generation to generation, forever and ever, saith the Lord." What did he do to be remembered forever? "Therefore let him contend earnestly for the redemption of the First Presidency of my Church ( you could replace redemption with "missionary work") saith the Lord; and when he falls he shall rise again, for his sacrifice shall be more sacred unto me than hisincrease saith the Lord."
"Elders and Sisters, it was my chastening and afflictions and "rising up" that meant more than ALL I have done. When I fell, I rose again! May you be more grateful when hard times come. Because it is the Lord bringing you to Him. You may not be able to see it in the moment, but I promise that blessings will come. I have become apart of Christ, as much as he has become a part of me. I know that He is my Savior, and it is my sacrifice of all that I am made is so. I know that this is God's work and it will continue to fill the whole Earth. Hope on, Journey on! And remember that the Lord will do all things for your good. I love you all, and I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen."
CAN YOU SAY DIVINE INSPIRATION? As Hermana Woodward and I left, we described how his testimony was EXACTLY what we needed to hear. He is a great elder and I know he will continue to inspire others as he goes home. After that spiritual revival, we were ready to take on the world, so we ate a quick lunch and got to work. We had a little success with finding a new potential investigator ( I talked in Spanish to her, claro que si!) and at the end of the night we visited a less active lady, and she asked me to give the opening prayer in Spanish, which was kind of scary but I made it through! I'm gonna start reading el Libro de Mormon again, so I can improve mi espanol mas.
Let's see, so now our motto is, we fall and we rise again! So once I came back into our area, Sister Nielsen and I worked really hard to pass out invitations to our "open house", which was on Sunday. We passed out about 30 invitations individually to people we didn't know, contacted a lot of people about helping, and by the time Sunday came we were really excited about it. L came to church and to the open house!! She really wants to learn more about the Gospel and she wants to be baptized. Anyways, that night, the open house was AWESOME, we had a pretty good turnout, we set up tables and displays about Christ and about the church, a lot of people had great questions and the members the Castillos, and Brother Feriante came to help and our displays looked amazing ( They took them down so we didn't get a picture :() But then we went into the chapel for a short devotional, Veronica Villegas spoke and she did so wonderful, I love her and her strong testimony of the Gospel! Elder Blackham played a beautiful piano solo of Come Thou Fount, which was so beautiful, I just cried the whole time. It was so precious because one of the member's little boys, Reese Rucker (he's like 5), who was sitting next to me, saw me crying and smiled at me and wiped a tear off my face. I was just laughing and crying because it was so precious. Another convert spoke and there were 3 other musical numbers, and it ended right at 7:30 and it was just perfect! L turned to us after and said "I feel so loved right now. I feel like I'm coming home." I know she will be baptized soon.
Another miracle that happened was R and N finally answered the door again and they want to meet with us tonight! We are so excited to see them again and we hope that they will progress soon. A and S are doing well and are reading the BOM and are praying, which is so awesome, we are having the lesson on the Word of Wisdom soon, so that will be good because they are both trying to quit smoking. Their cute little girl, S, had to go to the ER yesterday though, we are still waiting to hear from them so please keep them in your prayers.
It's raining today but we aren't getting down about that! We made a fruit pizza with the elders last Monday (well, we MADE the elders a fruit pizza, they just ate it haha) but we are trying for banana bread today! We are going to become the ultimate homemakers. Look out world :) I feel so good today and I feel like it's such a blessing from the Lord that He's given me this renewed strength and faith. Faith truly is a gift from God that we have to nurture. Never let your faith waver! And if it does, just keep moving forward, there is always light waiting at the end of the tunnel.
Thank you for all your continued support and love and hope you give me. I have been so blessed, I thank Heavenly Father daily for the opportunity I've had to have such an amazing family, you are my rock, you are my whole life, and I will never forget the things I have learned with you growing up. I know this church is true, and I know that even when times get tough, the Lord always delivers us at the end. WE ARE NEVER ALONE! Let the blackness combine against us, but we know where we stand. The Savior stands at the head , and I know that with Him, NOTHING is impossible. I pledge my name to His and I refuse to go anywhere else. We will always fall, but, we will always rise again.
Sister Sadie Lauren Maughan